Today was kinda fun. The art teacher forgot to come. We camwhore for fun larr XD me n teng han n sheena LOL Then suddenly my phone was bein used to take pictures of everyone.
Lol..teng han lookes dam fringe sux.
Dan says teng han looks like a pros here. XD
Notti notti..what u playing with behind the bag? XP
Guo Xioonngg!! HAHA
Teng Han looks scarry here. 0.0
Yeng leh? hahaa wei aun leng zai!
Group photo!
Sue Ann so rajin.. LOL
Niwayz.. that's all the pics! Enjoy!
Author: {-Chew-} Posted under:
Sorry for not updating recently..been pretty busy with studies and all. This weekend has been pretty uneventful I didn't go to Open Day although i wanted to :(
Oh well..Stay at home and study like some lifeless guy Weee.
Went swimming today with Gary. He can't swim. He can tenggelam :D he kept trying all the styles. Hahaa. but everytime oso tenggelam. Then he'll surface again going, "tui tui tui" hahahaaa..he's scared to drown. Don't blame him..i was too.
Some old pics...nthn better to post LOL
Paper Plane we played during geo bored XD
Spaghetti Ice-cream. Never heard of it rite? The little strands are not noodles..Its made of Ice-Cream Cool no?
Oohh. today teacher's day. Haha this year wasn't that interesting but it was okay.
The press came if i wasn't mistaken. Was pretty noisy before the teachers came in And the press lady was shaking her head. Malu weih XD
Performances was not bad. Although its guitar and singing all the way. HAHA Yeahhh. Chee Ming, Ryan, Hariz n Brenda rockedd! XD They sang Iris. yeahh mann.
Barley Less Ice Rocks My socks!! LoL. John sing damn nice! Pn Rozerin was asking for another song. Encore Encore! And so they did. Ultraviolet. LOL
Impromtu Song at the end was funny. 1234 hahaha. most of the people on stage couldn't sing it n they were going. NaNaNaNa XD But it was fun all the same. Maybe next year i wanna perform!
Poor kena used for camwhoree!! Courteous of Zue Wei n Sara!! hahahaa.
We got our class photo today but oni da formal onee. Cause mer vyn from our class show middle finger in da informal one.. so it cant be given out. ZZZZZZ aihzz. Y u do dat larr.
Oh welll. No pics srry. I'll try to get some. See i updated. XD
Quite a laugh today. XD Mr. yong was giving us like sex education during kh period. Hahaa. Something about egyptian girls and virginity. LOL For more info, please ask jun kit. XD He da proo..hahaa.
Ms Chow came in to replace Mr Joseph. He's absent again. =.= WHERE ARE U?? geo die lor.. Hahaa..Gary go purposely piss off Ms. Chow today. Go call teacher lame. And when teacher pass him he go. "Hey girlfriend!" in that bimbo kinda way. WTH? He really asking for it. XD Teacher wrote down Tenghan's name but wrote it kinda nicely. "Making noise in class even after 3 warnings. He finished his work though" Jiaming said something damn stupid weih. Cause he found out teacher plays dota. Wth rite? Theng Jean ask her what her account name is. And Jiaming said"ChowTauFoo" HAHAHAA..whole class laugh weih.
Wahaha. Today had fitness test and athletics. Forgot to bring running shoes. Damn. Found out its hard to run with school shoes. Especially if its converse.
So i passed. Im 99.9% fit! wahhahaa. i dunno where the other 0.01% went. Timing sucked though. Could have done better. 8.39. T.T
Oh well. Athletics was fun. We did fartlets? hahaha FARTlets. i dunno how to spell so don't blame me.
My class is like the only class who plays sports in the class. We play volleyball, tennis, badminton, basketball. XD At the back of the class. One day the ceiling is gonna have holes. Oh well. Nothing we can do about that.
Wat i love abt photo day, MISS CLASSES!! XD I think i blinked at every photo..oh my..that'll be a problem Oh well..i guess my pic'll be different than others. WAKAKA
Love the freestyle pictures. Did the usain bolt pose with ryan n lim XD
Got a haircut. Didn't go to the usual place i cut cause the hair stylist there changed to some dude who can't cut. Tried a new place. Not bad larr. The woman there was scary. She cut damn fast and rough. Scared she accidentally cut my ears off. =X But the end results was quite good lar. See for yourself on monday.
Accidentally spilt spaghetti sauce on my white pants. zzzz. clumsy me
For those who are going to LeeHom's concert, Enjoy it! n WHY NEVER TAKE ME ALONG??
Bro's friends were over so spent half the dat with them. Friendly group :) Ate breakfast at home. Mum cooked shepherd's pie YUMM~ They planned to go to the club for gym and futsal But the receptionist damn potong steam. Ask for gym. Say only for exclusive members Ask for futsal. Say broken down. =.= Ended up playing at the padang near my house XD
Later on. Nick unexpectedly came over. He go talk cock with my sister. LOL He say that he is a tuition teacher, a police, a businessman and an engineer.
MySis Nick Why does China have Chinese police?
Cause one day i go talk to the Chinese president and declare that all the Chinese people must become part-time police. So they learn self-defence can protect themselves.
Protect themselves from you lar!! XD Its a boring friday. Wish i was at school with friends. Yes that's how much i miss you guys. LOL