
So pressure now!!! events are coming one by one and i'm not doing so well.
But i don't expect much this year. I"m just not performing. Sorry reds

Got 3rd for the road relay. Disappointing. But its alright. At least position.
Got 3rd oso for 1500m. Satisfied but not happy.

Gonna be a short post i guess. And btw

congrats to ADAM! BRYAN LIM for 1st and 2nd in 1500. AND TO ALL RED HOUSE WINNERS! ;D especially SHIREEN ;D for her 2nd in triple jump ;D. NICE ONE ALL! thx for contributing to red! ;D

More events coming 400m on monday. Scared. Don't expect anything though.
800m, 3000m, 4x400m . four more events before its all over. Just want to get done with it. So no pressure anymore. FASTER OVER! ;D lol.

I can't stop thinking about ,
The way you talk and your laugh too,

I hear your voice from every passer-by,

And see your eyes twinkling in the night sky.



Cross country day! so scaryy! Everyone look so serious! but in da end da rain dampened our moods. So yeah most of us didn't feel like running. Bryan Lim, Ryan, Adam and me made a "pakat" to run together.. But then when i ran with Adam i couldn't see Lim and Ryan following. So me and Adam ran together all throughout the race. He's really good. It was still drizzling when we ran and the roads were really wet. So i was finding it very difficult to run. No grip. Felt like giving up but pushed myself and also Thanks to Adam who kept on motioning for me to go faster. In the end me and him sprinted. He went ahead i behind him. He got 1st! CONGRATS! that means i got 2nd. Yay! =D Congrats to all the winners like Xia Ian, Anson, Bryan Lim and all RED HOUSE WHO QUALIFIED! thanks for the extra points. Congrats SHIREEEENN! HIINGZHEE!RACHEL! YUUMI! MICHELLE! YUNHUI! JUNKIT! SHUNZHE! and alll the wonderful people in life ;D congrats! =D

Today is most definetely a great day,
Me and my friends would say,
We qualified and made it through,
And theres nothing we can't do!

Randomm ;D

Just some pictures from my phone ;D
Since ppl keep on saying my blog lags pictures so i shall post some ;D.

Random Pics lar. From I-City at Shah Alam. the lights are nice. All sorts of them ;D

This was taken a long long time ago. I just dint post only ;D Hope u all like it. It's very pretty. But not as pretty as you ^^ I updated this blog specially 'cause someone asked me to. Haha ;D Got nothing to blog about so post pictures.

Loving you.
Need you by my side.


Lake run Day

Was so nervous that day. it was finally lake run. time to win some points for RED HOUSE!! yeah!! ;D lol it was pretty eventful. ran my best! and came back 1st =D yay! timing 4.00 not even close to phillip's record. But to me its good . satisfied. and btw. CONGRATS to LEEHINGZHE for 5th..knew you could do it. AANDD SHIREENN !!! 2nd you knoww ;D hahaa. good day it was.


Went to spend some quality bonding time with my brudder from another mother. LEEHINGZHE. I went to his house after lunch and lepak with him. Had some talks. Played with his lamp ;D haha you wont get it =D Then after that we went to train! at the gym. His first time going. Good for you ! =D Did treadmill and other fitness.. Then after that we went to get BUBLLEEE TEAA. yumm. Nice to spend time with mah brudder.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KEN FONG, HARIZ, CHAN WEI LI, SIEW HOCK. alot of ppl's birthday today. haha. Went out to Sunway to watch movie and also celebrate with ken fong. We watched "how to train your dragon" cause clash of the titans was full. It was pretty nice. Good story.Toothless so cute. hahaa. and the Gronkle also. Go and watch some day ppl! ;D Then went to arcade so this dude..he alot of pattern when he play the shooting game. keep on like do alot of poses when he play. But he's good. Holding da high score for that game. All the same a wonderful day.

PS : THANK YOU SO MUCH RACHEL FOR GETTTING MY SHOOESS!!!! i'd be a goner if it weren't for you. Oh in case u wanna know i left my sports shoes in school. And Rachel helped me get it! THANK YOUU!!! you're awesomee ;DD You rock my world.

PS: I love you and miss you so much